(def title {0}) (def style ) (def toc (li (link {0} {1}))) (def maj-head (anc {0}) (h3 (link #top #) {1})) (def sec-head (anc {0}) (h4 (link #top #) {1})) (def terms (br (b {0}): {1})) (title Views) (style /style.css) (link ./anticap.txt (/ source)) (p) I am a resident of Oregon, USA. Here are a collection of my philosophical, political, and technical views. Some of my views will be stated for themselves, while others will be shown through quotations by individuals and organizations that I respect. (br) (terms Antifa antifascist) (terms Anticap anticapitalist) (terms (' Dirtbag Left) opposed to liberalism, identity politics, and "PC culture" (link #gloss-pc [0])) (hr) (h3 Contact info:) (ol (, (li {0}) (link https://facebook.com/anarcho.socialism/ Facebook) (link https://mstdn.io/@pdx GNU/Social) (' (b XMPP) : lol@omaera.org) (' (b PGP): (link /pgp.html lol@omaera.org)) )) (anc top) (h3 Table of contents:) (ol (toc #book Bookchin thought) (toc #jpos J. Posadas thought) (toc #ksimp Kopimi, simple) (toc #kadv Kopimi, advanced) (toc #situ Situationist mottos) (toc #subg Subgenius quips) (li Appendix (ol (toc #gloss Glossary of terms) (toc #furt Further readings)))) (hr) (sec-head book Bookchin thought) (ul (li Nearly a half century ago, while Social-Democratic and Communist theoreticians babbled about a society with "work for all," the Dadaists, those magnificent madmen, demanded unemployment for everybody.) (li Our Being is (b Becoming), not (i stasis). Our (b Science) is (i Utopia), our (b Reality) is (i Eros), our (b Desire) is (i Revolution).) (li If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable. ) (li I believe in individual freedom; that's my primary and complete commitment - individual liberty. That's what it's all about. And that's what socialism was supposed to be about, or anarchism was supposed to be about, and tragically has been betrayed.)) (sec-head jpos J. Posadas thought:) (ul (li We must call upon beings from other planets when they come to intervene, to collaborate with the inhabitants of the Earth to overcome misery. We must launch a call on them to use their resources to help us.) (li Dialectic concepts can permit the existence of UFOs and other life-forms... Even if these reports of flying saucers are fantasies, as is possible that the majority may be, many of them, their historical basis is correct... the scientific capacity of human beings is determined by their social organisation... The answers to these mysteries would lie in a study of Marxism.) (li It is true that we can see today thousands of kilometres away with new instruments and improved mathematics. The true vision, however, is that of Marx: Marx who saw that capitalism would be destroyed.)) (q The class struggle does not have to exist. It is on Earth that the process of history has played out like this, but there is no reason why it should be the same elsewhere. Social organisation can have forms infinitely superior, without struggle, without antagonism. There is no reason at all to fight. The beings of those places may be looking at us in astonishment, and say: "Oh! They fight over a car, shooting and killing each other!" It may even be that death does not exist for them as it does on Earth. The notion of death, the notion of the extinction of matter, or of cells, cannot be identical everywhere. (p) We are preparing ourselves for a stage in which before the atomic war we shall struggle for power, during the atomic war we shall struggle for power and we shall be in power. There is no beginning... there is an end to atomic war, because atomic war is simultaneous revolution in the whole world, not as a chain reaction, simultaneous. Simultaneous doesn't mean the same day and the same hour. Great historic events should not be measured by hours or days, but by periods... The working class will maintain itself, [and] will immediately have to seek its cohesion and centralisation... (p) After destruction commences, the masses are going to emerge in all countries - in a short time, in a few hours. Capitalism cannot defend itself in an atomic war except by putting itself in caves and attempting to destroy all that it can. The masses, in contrast, are going to come out, will have to come out, because it is the only way to survive, defeating the enemy... The apparatus of capitalism, police, army, will not be able to resist... It will be necessary to organise the workers' power immediately. (p) Nuclear war is revolutionary war. It will damage humanity but it will not - it cannot - destroy the level of consciousness reached by it... Humanity will pass quickly through a nuclear war into a new human society - Socialism.) (sec-head ksimp Kopimi Laws, simple:) (ul (li All knowledge to all) (li The search for knowledge is sacred) (li The circulation of knowledge is sacred) (li The act of copying is sacred.)) (sec-head kadv Kopimi Laws, advanced:) (ul (li Copying of information is ethically right.) (li Dissemination of information is ethically right.) (li Copymixing is a sacred kind of copying, moreso than the perfect, digital copying, because it expands and enhances the existing wealth of information) (li Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and Kopimistic faith.) (li The Internet is holy.) (li Code is law.) ) (sec-head situ Situationist mottos:) (ul (li Commute, work, commute, sleep . . . ) (li Boredom is counterrevolutionary.) (li Under the paving stones, the beach.) (li Be realistic, demand the impossible.) (li Alcohol kills. Take LSD.) (li A cop sleeps inside each one of us. We must kill him.) (li Happiness is hanging your landlord.) (li You can't buy happiness. Steal it.) (li Are you a consumer or a participant? ) ) (sec-head subg Subgenius quips:) (ul (li Fuck em if they can't take a joke!) (li "Too much" is always better than not enough.) (li The real role of the Church of the SubGenius is to completely destroy the Conspiracy of the Normals. But don't repeat that, ever. (July 1953)) (li The world ends tomorrow and you may die!) (li Repent! Quit your job! Slack off!) (li The subgenius MUST have slack.) ) (hr) (maj-head gloss Glossary of terms) (sec-head gloss-pc Political correctness:) (q PC is also a good deal less radical than its proponents imagine, firmly reformist rather than revolutionary. In the PC pantheon of `race, gender and class' class has always come a very poor third, but the pursuit of race and gender equality detached from the struggle of the working class inevitably proceeds in a reformist direction more or less regardless of rhetoric or subjective intentions. (p This is because objectively neither blacks on their own, nor women, nor lesbians and gays have the material power to overthrow American capitalism and its power structure; consequently their focus inevitably shifts to the demand for inclusion within the existing capitalist hierarchy. Nor is PC by any means the most radical form of reformism. Despite all the talk of the `rights' and `empowerment' the main tactic of PC is to appeal to the consciences of `the oppressors' on the basis of moral guilt. Hence the PC cult of victim status so excoriated by D'Souza and Hughes.) (p Unfortunately it is far easier to guilt trip an idealist student or a liberal intellectual than the US ruling class. Guilt is also a very poor basis for fighting racism and other reactionary ideas in the working class. The mass of white workers will be won to anti-racism and unity with black workers through an understanding of their common class interest, not through guilt over the legacy of slavery (for which they were not responsible in the first place).) ) (sec-head furt Further reading:)